TAI CHI articles that explore the ideas
The problem with most books and articles on Tai Chi is that most people are looking for to learn how to do the moves. This is difficult to convey with the written word alone. In addition, when you do find images or videos they rarely match what you are learning in class. But there are other reasons to read about Tai Chi that to learn techniques alone.
So what can books and articles offer? If you are new to the art, start by asking yourself why You want to learn, and what You wish to get from Tai Chi. This list of best books might prove helpful. If you are looking for something more personal, and less dogmatic in a world of tradition and formality, you could check out my approach and take a look at my list of my books. Meanwhile, explore the ideas below…

Go Barefoot: The Yin and yang of tai chi shoes
Footwear is always a contentious issue in the martial arts: to go with trainers, socks, boots, deck shoes or forget it all and go the traditional barefoot route? Well, there is at last a third way, a blend of both shoe and barefoot practices.

Best Online Tai Chi Classes: How to find Inner Peace from the Comfort of Your Home
A look at 5 of the best Online Tai Chi schools. Featuring Youtube, Udemy and 3 teachers from USA, UK and Australia

Tai Chi, Fitness & eccentric exercises
Eccentric exercises tell us that running down a hill or walking down a flight of stairs is more beneficial for you than going up. How does eccentric exercise work and how does any of this help us in our practice our Tai Chi?

What Can a Smart Watch Tell You About Your Health, Fitness or Tai Chi Skills?
Can a smart watch help us in maintaining a healthy and fit lifestyle as a tai chi practitioner or is it all just digital hype?

How to connect your arms and waist in the movements of tai chi

6 Techniques to DEVELOP YOur FLOW IN TAI CHI
6 simple methods to help develop more flow in your tai chi

A Tribute to the Martial Artist Jim Kelly
A tribute to one of the stars from Enter the Dragon: the martial artist Jim Kelly who appears in this brief round -table discussion on working with the little dragon. An excerpt from the comical parody on the martial arts - by Paul Read the teapotmonk

A History of Sword Play with the teapOtmonk
An interview about Tai Chi Sword with the teapotmonk. Tracing back his interest in the Sword and discovering why he believes this weapon has so much to teach us today in the 21st century.

What are the Benefits to Learning Tai Chi sword?
How difficult is Tai Chi Sword for anyone that has not done Tai Chi before? What are the benefits to studying Tai Chi sword and how can it help you, if you are already practicing Tai Chi? Teapotmonk explores the benefits of learning sword in the 21st century

How to update tai chi for the 21st century
How to practice Tai Chi in the 21st century : Update the language and drop the mysticism

How to Create and Design Your Own Tai Chi Form
Why you may want to create your own Tai Chi form. Why would anyone do it and how can you do it? In this short article Paul Read explores creating a tai chi form.

Learn 5 Simple Ways to Slow Down
5 Handy tips for slowing down in an age of speed that you can do today