Starting autumn 2023 and working into 2024, I have bundled paperback and ebooks with online courses in order to make Tai Chi accessible and affordable for everyone. Buy the book and the online course will be free.
For example, courses like the Guide to the Form or Tai Chi For health previously sold at £45 each. Now they come free with the books.
You can each get all 3 paperbacks and 3 courses bundled for less than the price of what one course would have cost. See this Frequently Bought Together example here.
PROJECT 1: Launched in October 2023: The Beginners Guide to the Tai Chi Form. This paperback book (or eBook version), when ordered below, comes with a complete online self-study course demonstrating all the exercises, moves and concepts. The course normally costs £45, but as part of the introduction bundle, comes free with the paperback order.
PROJECT 2: The Tai Chi Illustrated Workbook is a Big 200 paged, wire-bound A4 full colour special edition that now comes with the complete Tai Chi for Health course bundled with it.
PROJECT 3: The Updated Manual of Bean curd Boxing (5th Edition): Probably the most unusual, but entertaining, book released on how to use Tai Chi in your daily life. Latest edition comes with new illustrations, extra Q&A sessions and a series of online videos that demonstrate the concepts.
NOTE: Offers limited to BUNDLED PACKS linked below. 🙏.

If you never own another Tai Chi book, please own this one. Its irreverent look at Tai Chi... will make you laugh, it will make you think.
The Tai Chi Player - Manual Of Bean Curd Boxing
"This is the most beautiful, well-formulated, and helpful approach to... Tai Chi that I have ever seen."
William Martin Author Sages Tao Te Ching about the Illustrated Workbook
There’s a surfeit of wisdom and original exercises included that makes this a genuine classic of the genre
Mark Ellis (Craft of Combat) on Manual Of Bean Curd Boxing
It is a great contribution to the world of Tai Chi.
Bob Klein (author Movements of Magic) on Bean Curd Boxing
"The approach is smart, creative and incredibly enjoyable. This book and videos are as close as you're going to get to live one-on-one teaching"
Ross Klavan on The Beginners Guide to Tai Chi Form
Well written and (thankfully, in this age of carelessly published books) well edited. The design is beautiful, too. The most important quality, though, is its gentle manner of communicating how to approach and learn a wonderful art.
Stephen Wedan on The Beginner’s Guide to Tai Chi Form
TRAVEL books (with a hint of taoism)
“Absolute delight, this book will appeal to all who crave the authentic earthy experience of living in another culture. Funny moving heart-warming, great story, real characters, marvellous hound.”
Not all those that wander are lost...
Under the unforgiving heat of the Spanish sky and in a country scorched by tourism, one man goes in search of recipes for living another life, accompanied by a chef who can only look at the ground and a hound who always looks behind everything. They reveal another another history of people, food culture though the magnifying glass of one small town.
“A short story about making choices and doing what’s right for us. In Southern Spain life moves at a slower pace but who are we to decide what is fast, normal or slow? ”
Miguel has sold his truck and bought a mule. Everyone in the village believes he is crazy, but Miguel follows a wisdom far greater than those that mock him. Miguel's neighbours, his dog and the strange neighbour with the burnt trees are about to learn the benefits of going slow.
☞ Looking for a list of books on Tai Chi by other authors? Try this list here of the best books in the Solar System. And read about the pros & cons of learning Tai Chi from a book here
☞ Conventional book publishing, either in paperback or as ebooks, is a business that tends to produce what the market favours. This means there is little room for books that explore less popular topics or adopt unusual stances. All the books listed here, and several on the other book list page are independently produced. Though some are available from major online stores, an authors cut is shaved away to very little. The biggest online bookstore (you know who) has made book sales a cut throat market. They warn authors that if they try and sell a book over $9.95 - the store will reduce the commission from 70% down to 30%. This leaves little margins, especially when they further reduce commissions by charging a so called “delivery fee”.
Buying from the author - where possible - means they get a reasonable commission. 🙏
*Note - Paperbacks ordered are from an independent publishing house and so will take a few days to arrive. But with patience, all good things arrive.